! written by u/moxdogthehound on 2017-05-15 I'd been been tracking him for weeks. Normally it was simple enough; you get the job, you locate the target and you complete the contract. But this particular target was unlike anything I'd ever seen before; I'd have thought he was a ghost if it weren't for the trail of destruction that sat in his wake. I traversed rugged mountain ranges, crossed raging rivers, delved through ancient Nordic ruins and even braved a blizzard in pursuit of my target. I'd almost cornered him in the sewers of Riften, but he slipped out of a secret entrance I didn't know about. I was beset on all sides by danger; bandits, wild animals and all sorts of unholy creatures. Nothing could stop me. My mission would be completed. My colleagues thought me crazy to continue attempting to track down this wraith. A Khajit trader I met that claimed to have dealt with him called him He-Who-Never-Stops, which certainly seemed true. I never once found evidence of a campsite, innkeepers didn't rent out rooms to him, and he could cross distances faster than anyone I'd ever been assigned before. But I would not be deterred. He-Who-Never-Stops? Prepare to meet He-Who-Never-Quits. After nigh on three weeks of travelling across the entire country of Skyrim, stepping foot into every hold, as well as a lengthy detour to Raven Rock, I had found him. The sight was something to behold. A terrifying battle unfolded in front of me. A giant and his mammoth were fighting a huge group of bandits. The giant's clubs cut considerable swaths in the bandit's ranks, but he and his beast were eventually brought down by the sheer number of arrows and magic. From my vantage point, I saw the target enter the fray. Resplendent in armour that he'd moulded from the carcasses of dragons he'd slain, wielding a sword more grand than any I'd ever seen, he charged the remaining bandits. It was a massacre. Their arrows bounced off his armour, and his sword danced among them, slicing throats and removing limbs. He laughed as fireballs and crackling lightning exploded on his raised shield. He was unstoppable. I'd never seen so frightening a warrior in my life. As he crushed the final bandits head with his shield, a horrifying beast descended from the sky. A dragon that must have smelt the blood being spilt and had decided to feast. The huge leathery beast roared at my target, outraged at the armour he wore. He roared back. I could see the pure energy move through the air and strike the beast. It's wings seemed to lock up, and it crashed to the ground. The battle was short. Without the aerial advantage, he quickly finished off the beast, ending their battle by removing the beasts' head with one savage strike from his sword. I had to go now. I had to complete my contract before I lost him again. I had almost reached him when he finished absorbing the dragon's soul. He turned and looked at me, his brow furrowing in confusion. He made for quite the sight. Drenched in blood, surrounded by a small army of dead bandits, a giant, a mammoth and the skeletal frame of the dragon who's soul he'd absorbed, he was truly terrifying. His chest was still, and he stood straight. He hadn't even broken a sweat. He was truly terrifying. The time was now. The chase had ended. I would finish this. "I've been looking for you. Got something I'm supposed to deliver - your eyes only."