! written by u/Ilidsor on 2013-04-07 My Dad's pretty weird. My name is Lucia. I used to live on the streets in Whiterun begging for money just to stay alive. Nobody would take me in. Nobody cared. The only person who was nice to me was another beggar named Brenuin. That's how I spent my days until one day one of the people I was begging from offered to adopt me. He was wearing really cool armour he called “ebony” and he walked right up to me and told me I could live with him. I was so happy I almost couldn't believe it. When we got to the house I was a bit scared of it because it was right beside a swamp but I was too happy about finally having a family to care. When I got inside I was greeted by my new mother Mjoll. She hugged me right away and I could just tell it was meant to be. I also met Papa's steward Aela the Huntress and his bard Sonir. Sonir also sadly mentioned a houscarl that used to live there but was killed fighting with Papa. When it was late I was sent to bed so Papa and Mommy could go and get what Papa called his “resting bonus” whatever that means. The next morning Papa was gone again and when he came back I had a sister! I was so happy I almost cried. Then he made yet another trip and I got a dog he called Meeko! I had to pinch myself constantly just to check to see if I was dreaming. It wasn't until a week later that I began to wonder if something was up with Papa. First of all there's an entire room of the house we're not supposed to go into. It's Papa's armoury and Papa always keeps the doors shut. So naturally Sophie and I dared each other to go in there to take a look. What we found inside was… it's hard to describe. There were weapons and armour everywhere, and even as a little girl I could tell that they were valuable. Looking at them was like looking at a dragon's horde. There were bows that glowed with magic, swords and axes that were bigger than me, staffs that I didn't even want to touch and armour that looked beyond ancient. I guess I understand why Papa doesn't want us playing in there but it's so beautiful. I just can't help but wonder where he got it all. The second thing that's weird about my Papa is that he builds things really fast. I mean really fast. One night I went to sleep and when I woke up we had a cellar. It was filled with shrines, a forge, and a mannequin with yet another set of valuable armour on it. The absolute weirdest thing though is that he sometimes leaves for a week and then comes back home with entirely new skills. New magic, new ways of fighting, that sort of thing. Once he left for a while and after he came back I saw him walking around the house crouched down for some reason. Ten minutes later Mommy, Aela, and Sonir where walking around in their underwear. They still haven't put clothes back on for some reason even though it's really cold. He does other weird stuff too like standing completely still for hours, change armour in seconds, and even jumping really high for no reason while he walks. I just don't understand it. I love him anyways though. Because he let me into his family. And because he loves me.