! written by u/kendo545 on 2014-11-11 My wife insists on coming to this exact jewelry store every weekend, and what do we do there? Stand around for hours like a couple of lemons! Is anything ever bought? Oh no that would be too much trouble for both my wife and the most incompetent staff I've ever encountered. Everyone just stands still except the guards, who seem to be on patrol like the bloody SAS. Although I understand why, this place has been robbed 5 times in the past month alone! Always the same, 4 guys in the most ridiculous and elaborate masks you can think of, and dressed in appalling suits. It's like clockwork, 4 minutes past the hour and they come pouring out of the doors and down the stairs shouting 'get down!' and tying everyone up with cable ties. God forbid they don't have enough for everyone, the poor manager got shot in the head along with the guards. How they find someone to fill the position each week is beyond me. It's more dangerous than an ebola nurse! Soon they're smashing glass and grabbing everything they can stuff into those bags, running around like maniacs. I've heard drilling noises from the 2nd floor and outside, sometimes they even bring a saw! I wish I could forget the noise and sight of what that thing did... The store must have some post robbery sale to entice customers to come back, why else would my wife be so keen to go each weekend?! I should never have brought her over from Glasgow, we were never held at gunpoint over there!