! written by u/Arrow1250 on 2018-03-22 Today has been a complete rollercoaster and i think tonight im gonna just end it. Ive lost my bestfriend today in both trust and life. I dont know what to do anymore but i guess ill start from the beggining. His name was Josh. Im sure in the next coming days youll see him plastered all over the news as a terrorist and a betrayer. But thats not the Josh i know. Whatever the hell happened out there today wasnt him. It was like he changes, as of his mind was rewritten. We were best friends, we had so many stories and advemtures together on the SWAT force. We always had eachothers backs. We met at the academy on our first day. We were out on the track, doing laps for the day. We were in different units, but had running at the same time that day because the schedule had gotten fucked up. We were both the fastest of our respective units, but we werent faster than eachother. We both set off on a steady jog, as usual i outpaced my team and was well ahead of them when i noticed someone was keeping pace just behind me. I look over and theres this average joe id never seen before. He reaches his hand out and and introduces himself. And from that day on we were always contesting with eachother. During aprints it wasnt just about passing the tests, it was about beating eachothers times. During shooting practice it was about who had more accuracy. Shit like that to keep the boring in and outs of life at bay. We both graduated the same day and both got into the same Swat unit down in foggy bottoms. It was great! We had plenty of raids before this, a few on some meth labs from the infamous druglord, Hector. Some raids on crack houses, some arrests. All this became the usual. We had been on the force for 2 years and had heard rumors about this gang called the "PAYDAY crew". A bunch of bank heisters who were insanely good at holding up banks and stealing millions in cash, gold, jewels and deposit boxes. We always joked that if we were ever called to deal with them wed pay the killer of one of them free beers for the next year. But wouldnt you know it? One of those days we got called to a bank robbery in progress. A small branch in the middle of town. The reports had stated it was a 4 man group. 3 of them in clown masks and another in a chicken mask. We knew it wad the payday crew. On the drive thers it was silent. We all knew the danger ahead. We all accepted it. This was our job and by hell we were gonna do it. A minite or so away josh hands me a peice of folded paper and tells me that if something happens to him, give that paper to his family. I nod and tell him i would. Before we knew it we had a arrived. We took up positions across the street from the bank and were firing on the crew. It was like nothing id seen before. We were hitting them with everything! But they were just taking these bullets like they were marshmellows. They were in suits yet nto even a drop of blood on them. There was an opening at the back of the bank. A door that led behind enemy lines. Josh took two of our men to try and sneak in, he got close but before we could react a man in a chicken mask had popped out and shot the two men i had known as brothers in arms dead, josh haf bedn shot too but his armor took the blow for him. We couldnt fire for risk of hitting him. The chicken man pulled out a recorder and Josh put himself in cuffs. Taken as a hostage. The chicken man knelt down and played something on the recorder. Something that changed josh, mentally and physically. After a few seconds, josh was unhandcuffed, we thought he was being released but no. He pulled up his rifle and opened fire on us. We were the best of friends and now he was trying to kill me. We fired back but only made a half hearted attenpt to hit him. He was my best friend how could i shoot him? After a few minutes the crew came running out the building, bags in hand to their van where they simply loaded up and drove off. Dissapearing into the city before we had a chance to stop them. Josh had covered their escape, and now left in the open he was an easy target. Shot down in seconds. I rushed over to him but he was already dead. I cried and weeped at his side until i was pulled away by the rest of my squad. The drive back to the station was quiet. Nobody had anything to say. The rest of the day was a blur. Why josh? Why did you turn on us? What did they promise you? Was it money? Did you have a secret you needed keot hidden? Why? Why? WHY DAMMIT?! Your mom couldnt handle it! I had to sit and tell a 60 year old woman that you just flipped like a coin on us. That you were the bad guy today. And that youd never come home. What has this world come to? Is god so cruel as to make us all suffer so much? I dont know what to do anymore. I hope well meet again tonight. I just cant live in a world that makes no sense. I guess this is goodbye. Im sorry dad. I love you.