! written by u/deleted on 2015-08-03 2183 April 16: Just got posted to Mavigon, this shitty ice planet that's colder than a hanar's asshole has got to be the worst place to set up base that I've ever heard of, don't know that the hell boss was thinking. Apparently it's to be out of sight of some bitch named Helena something. Whatever. Just don't wanna keep freezing my balls off. 2183 May 3: Lookout duty. Again. Fan-fucking-tastic. I just love patrolling a lifeless wasteland while Fukua and Naj'Bohd get to sit on their ass all day and...what the hell? Is...is that a Mako? What crazy bastard would come all the way out here? Poor son of a bitch is probably lost or thinks they're exploring. Barnes'll probably deal with--they killed Barnes! Sons of bitches just opened fire on us and wiped out the crew guarding the front door! They went inside...there are gunshots ringing inside the base, biotics firing off. Quiet. None of our guys are coming out, no--wait. It's them. The fuckers from the Mako. An asari, a quarian, and a human. A chick, I think. Now they're just leaving? What the hell's going on? 2183 May 5: Had to dump the bodies outside, they were starting to stink up the place. God. Everyone dead. All the guns, ammo, even the fucking medi-gel, just gone. Now I'm stuck here with no way to get off this stupid ball of ice, food'll maybe last me a year if I ration enough. That fucking cunt, she took everything! I swear, if I find her I'm gonna...die like everyone else? I saw that label on her armour. N7. I can't fucking take that. I never wanted this. Who the hell? Alliance? Shit. Well, I guess it beats starving to death. 2185: They stopped the beatings today. They stopped a lot of things today. Some of the other prisoners were talking about Jack being bought off today, don't know what crazy bastard would willingly take that with them. I couldn't really see much because eventually the guards came in and just...kept kicking. Over and over. I was about to black out from the pain like usual when they just...stopped. They stopped kicking me and that's when I saw her. That woman from Mavigon two years ago, the N7. She looked at me. I don't know what I saw in her face. Pity? Disgust? Revulsion? Eventually she turned away and that's when all hell broke loose. Fires breaking out across the station, people dying everywhere, be it from the guards, or Jack, or that N7, I'll never know. I somehow got into an ensape pod and am on my way to Omega, from there maybe I can get a ride to the Citadel. I don't know what I'll do then but...I gotta do something. 2186 October 25: Medics say I don't have much time left, figures. Gotta take time help the real soldiers, not some volunteers who aren't on a regular payroll. I just hope Aeryta's OK. It's funny, we were talking about where to get an apartment in the Presidium a month from now and now we're worried I won't make it the next 2 hours. I just want to see her one more time before...no. It can't be. She's here? She came with a bottle of whiskey, probably for a friend of hers who's staying here too. I...I'm having trouble...staying awake. I think she's looking at me. She is. It must be me fading in and out but I swear she had some look in her eye. Does she recognize me? She walks over and touches my shoulder. She looks happy; more than happy, she looks...proud. I'm crying. Good Lord, why am I crying? She has no idea. No idea why I was in that prison in the first place, why I'm here now; that she could've just killed me or let me die and her life wouldn't be any different than it is now. She gets up and leaves. What a way for me to go. Crying in front of Commander Shepard. 2190 January 9: It's Maya's first birthday tomorrow, the first of probably a thousand I'm told. God, a thousand birthdays. How did I even get here? A shit merc now a police officer on Thessia. Even after all this time, it still pops into my head every now and then. I've been told the hospital incentivized the wealthier patients to pay for the care of the poorer ones – myself included, I guess – following some unknown benefactor's suggestion. But I know it was her. Shepard. Even then, she saved my sorry ass. She barely gave me a few seconds of her day then, but she saved not just the galaxy, she saved me. And I'll never forget her for that. Thank you, Shepard, wherever you may be.