! written by u/cairnschaos on 2019-04-26 I was at Sheila and Dave's barbecue party the other day, and I witnessed something seriously strange, and I believe it has something to do with the recent deaths of two neighbours of mine. Let me start from the beginning. It was a day like any else. Wife was at work, I had called in sick to catch up on game of thrones, normal stuff. Sheila and Dave lived several houses down, but the barbecue they were hosting was open to anyone, so I meandered over there when I started to feel peckish. Drank a beer, had a burger, everything was picturesque. When suddenly, a man bumped my shoulder as he walked past. He was bald, wearing a black suit, red tie and leather gloves. Looked very out of place if you ask me. "Sorry, mate." I said, but he ignored me - was he angry? He bumped into me! I thought I'd catch up to try and clear things up, but he was gone. I glanced to my left and was shocked when I saw him walk past a window, inside the house. My immediate thought, was that this guy was a thief. I tailed him, equping my phone camera to try and catch him in the act. I'd entered through the back door, but he was already up the stairs. I followed behind, eventually finding the attic ladder pulled down. This creepy bastard was just rooting around in Dave's attic without his permission. I felt like I should do something, confront him, but for some reason I felt a kind of dread. Like it was a bad idea and I knew it. I tried listening in, and could've sworn I heard a faint English accent talking up there. I heard his footsteps fast approaching and hid in a nearby bathroom, waiting for him to leave before assessing the damage upstairs. Surpisingly, nothing was stolen. What did intrigue me though was the microfilm viewer that was switched on, with a microfilm in it. Was this why he was here? I glanced over the contents on the projector and found nothing of value. Something about an 'Ark Society', whatever that means. However, I did recognise one name on the projector. Janus, the old pensioner across the street from me. The man who died, the same day I encountered the bald man. That's right. My wife was back from work and we were watching the news that night. We were shocked to discover that Janus, and a recent arrival in the neighbourhood, Nolan Cassidy had been found dead, freak accidents supposedly. But I don't buy it. I haven't told my wife about my encounter with the suspicious man, for i fear it would put her in danger. I'm probably putting you all in danger just by posting this but people need to know. I'll never forget his eyes. Icey, blue, empty. I've recently noticed black cars parked near my house, and think I'm being watched. If you ever spot a man who matches my description, I implore you all to be very careful around him. Seems like he's hiding a dark secret.