! written by u/croidhubh on 2018-04-12 Liberty City Police Department Case Narrative 2008-5782 Officer Schmoe ReportingNarrative: On 07-10-08, at approximately 1300 hours, I was on routine motor patrol around Meadows Park, located in the Broker Division, Liberty City, Liberty State, when I saw a white male, approximately 5’11”, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a brown jacket, black fingerless gloves, blue jeans, and white tennis shoes, fire approximately five shots with a pistol striking a pedestrian in the torso and face. Using the PA system on my marked patrol vehicle, I immediately ordered the suspect to drop the weapon and place his hands in the air. After announcing myself, I radioed for assistance. The suspect ignored my orders, so I positioned my marked patrol vehicle next to a telephone pole and took cover behind my car door. I shouted for the suspect to drop his weapon, but I was once again ignored. Without an explanation, the suspect placed the pistol in his jacket and was then armed with a high powered, rapid fire automatic rifle. At this time, my back up was arriving, but I did not have time to warn them. I took my shotgun out of my patrol vehicle and dove for cover behind my trunk. The suspect began shooting repeatedly at the arriving officers and myself. The moment I had a pause in the gun fight, I moved into a position of fire and shot the suspect three times, striking him in the lower extremities. The suspect did not stop, and instead began to run on foot while continuing to reload his automatic weapon. Once again I radioed for assistance, and I was notified a helicopter would be sent to my location. I got back into my patrol car and began to chase the suspect east on Tudor Street. Once at the intersection of Tudor Street and Cleves Avenue, the suspect forced a driver out of her red Sultan and drove south on Cleves Avenue. For officer safety, I stayed approximately four car lengths behind the suspect. As I followed the driver to the intersection of Cleves Avenue and Carrollton Street, the suspect began to shoot at my patrol vehicle, striking it several times in the hood and windshield. The suspect turned west on to Carrollton Street. The suspect continued to shoot at my patrol vehicle as I followed him south on Seymour Avenue, west on Howard Street, and north on Stillwater Avenue. While west on Howard Street, the suspect began to shoot pedestrians. The suspect shot at ten pedestrians, all of whom I saw drop to the ground. While north on Stillwater Avenue, the suspect never slowed down for and ran over six pedestrians, all of whom I never saw get back up. As I followed the suspect to the intersection of Stillwater Avenue and Walton Lane, the helicopter arrived with aerial fire support (please see supplemental report from helicopter support team for more information). When the suspect turned west on to Walton Lane, his vehicle caught fire and he jumped from the vehicle while it was still moving. After the suspect came to a full and complete stop on the ground, officers from the NOOSE Team arrived on scene as support units in marked NOOSE vans (please see supplemental report from NOOSE Team for more information). I saw the suspect stand up. I could see the suspect was bleeding heavily and he was limping. The suspect vehicle continued into a crowd, which had gathered to witness the chase, and exploded. I saw fifteen pedestrians fly into the air and land with audible noises. I did not see any pedestrian stand back up and all had dropped the money they had been carrying on to the ground. The suspect took a position of cover behind a tree, so I moved forward and took a position of cover behind a group of Liberty City trash bins which had been knocked into the street due to the explosion. Myself and my cover officers exchanged numerous rounds of shots with the suspect. I saw the suspect place the high powered, automatic rifle into his coat and he rearmed himself with an RPG-7, without explanation. Seeing the rocket propelled grenade launcher, I immediately moved from my position to a position further away behind a brick wall. Peering around the corner, I saw the suspect fire the RPG-7 into the crowded group of NOOSE vans. The NOOSE vans exploded, and I saw eight NOOSE Team members fly into the air. Each NOOSE Team member landed with an audible noise and they dropped the weapons they were carrying. I did not see any NOOSE Team member stand back up. The suspect then fired the RPG-7 in my direction, but missed me due to a taxi driving at a high rate of speed directly through the line of fire. The taxi exploded, and the driver ran from the vehicle on fire. The driver ran for several seconds, screaming for help, until he finally fell to the ground. I did not see the driver stand back up and he dropped the money he was carrying on to the ground. As I stepped slightly from my position and shot at the suspect, my bullets were blocked by a fire truck from the Liberty City Fire Department which drove into the line of fire and pulled up to the taxi, which was still on fire. As the fire truck began to put out the flames, I saw the fire truck explode, assuredly from an RPG-7 strike. As I regained my view of the suspect, I saw him aim the RPG-7 at the helicopter and shoot. The rocket propelled grenade swerved at the last moment, narrowly missing the helicopter. I fired three times, striking the suspect in the back. The suspect did not stop and I returned to my position of cover to reload. As I was reloading, I heard sirens from an ambulance. From my position of cover, I watched as the ambulance drove past my location and I heard an explosion. I was nearly struck by the hood of the ambulance as it bounced off the wall of the building directly behind me. I came out of my position of cover in order to shoot the suspect once again, but I could not find him. I immediately set up a small perimeter in order to locate the suspect. All officers were unsuccessful in locating the suspect. The coroner was advised and arrived at approximately 1523 hours. Additional: After fifteen seconds an officer at the intersection of Hewes Street and the Dukes Bay Bridge reported seeing a driver of a yellow Infernus matching the description of the suspect. The officer was advised said person could not be the suspect because the driver was outside the perimeter area. Case handed to detectives. All monies dropped by killed pedestrians is unaccounted for. Please see supplemental reports from NOOSE Team and Helicopter Support Team. Attachments: None. J. Schmoe #221 07-10-08