! written by u/deleted on 2017-12-25 Yo, fam, what up? We all know what a bitch LC traffic can be. I just wanted to vent 'bout somethin' real fucking stupid that happened to me yesterday. So, there I was, drivin' to work, like I do, when I turn a corner and there's just a fuckin' cop car sittin' in the middle o' the damn road. Literally, just fuckin' sittin' there, blockin' both lanes, blarin' some shitty Russian music! The car looked like it'd seen better days, too, seein' how it was crushed up like a accordion and looked like it was 'bout to catch on fire. I honk ma horn, but the dude in the car doesn't move a inch. After about ten minutes just sittin' there, waitin' for this dickass to move, there's cars in both lanes lined up all the way down the entire road and goin' around the corner, and I can't even where the line ends anymore. Fed up, I shout, like, "This shit is why I need a helicopter!" and then I just start drivin' around him, tryin' not to hit the car, when he finally decides to start movin', and he immediately slams into ma ride! Suddenly, from inside the car, the dude yells in a thick Russian accent that I could just barely hear over that fuckin' music, "Only in this country do they let blind people drive!" Then, the fuckin' guy points a gotdamned Uzi at me and starts firin', so I book it. He didn't really chase after me though, so I was able to get away with only five bullets in my chest, a buncha holes in my car, two flat tires, smoke comin' outta my engine, and all my windows and windshields destroyed. I drove my ass down to the local Pay 'n Spray to get it fixed up and then drove myself to the ER. I was able to get patched up 'n everthang, but the car repair bills and the medical bills fucked me and, to put the cherry on top of this shit sundae of a week I been havin', I got fired from ma job, too. Now I gotta get back out on the streets sellin' crack just to get by! Fuck this city! Once I save up enough money, I'm gettin' the hell outta here and movin' to LS, dawg. smh