! written by u/2pacisalive95 on 2021-11-20 People keep telling me CJ ain't the same dude. He's been acting funny since he got back. Well, no shit he's been acting funny. Real funny. Last night I saw him running around in his underwear. Actually, he's always in his underwear. Anyway, he started stabbing random people on the street. It wasn't no gang shit. None of them were wearing colors. Half of them were just prostitutes running for their lives. And there's CJ, waving his knife around like a crackhead. He got a couple people downed, and started seriously cutting up their corpses. It was real sick serial killer shit. Not even gangsta shit, not at all. Just fucking gross. Anyway, he comes into my house after that. It's 11pm, and this clown just walks into my house. He's covered in blood, with this nasty bulge in his underwear. I just try and play it cool, but he keeps staring at me and acting all weird. Then he tells me, “Where's my hug? Where's the love?” He looked like he wanted to fuck me. Fucking demented. So I gave him his hug, and decided that maybe this dude needed some food. He looked like a skeleton. Kinda moved like one too. I figured, I don't know, maybe he's just hangry or somethin, so I brought him to a pizza place. He ordered six fucking pizzas. It was fucking nasty watching him stuff that shit down. I tried to rob the place just so he would stop eating. He had diarrhea in his diaper-underwear in the car on the way home, and I almost got shot when he rolled down the windows. Oh, and he also hit ten people and then crashed the car. So yeah, CJ's pretty fucking weird. He's getting fat and fit at the same time-he's always either at the gym or Cluckin Bell. Or murdering people. Or sleeping in his house for like, 3 days straight. We're getting too much heat out here and nobody respects us anymore, with CJ jerking off in public all the time and riding his trashy bike around, getting hit by cars constantly. I can't remember the last time he made a single cent for us. His idea of taking over hoods is just spraying paint in people's faces. Real petty shit. I want him out of the gang but Big Smoke really likes him for some reason. I think they just like to eat together and hug each other. They make me sick. At this point, I'm tempted to join up with the Ballas.