! written by u/ForSamuel034 on 2013-12-22 Cycle 217: I have just finished my training in York as a Longbowman of the Great English Empire. The training only took 2 cycles to finish after Orville Wright built the Manufactury near the city. I am being stationed at Canterbury and I am ready to serve and defend my nation. Cycle 218: I am nervous. There are rumors that the Incan army is massing near our borders. I have read the reports on the massive size and the great machines of war of their empire. To think that the force is right on our doorstep makes me fear for my nation. I hope that The Wise Elizabeth can resolve this peacefully. Cycle 219: The Queen has declared war! She has stated that the odds were already against us and the only thing she can do is pray her army will succeed. I put my faith into her and she brought war to my beloved nation. Never the less I must preform my duties for Queen and Country. I and the rest of the 13th Longbowman are being relocated from the city of Canterbury to the a fort to the northeast. The 2nd Catapult and the 5th and 6th Swordsman have been stationed in the land around the fort. I pray that well come out of this war in one piece. Cycle 220: The first of the enemy force made it to our land. It was a single unit, but it did unimaginable damage. It was three massive beasts made of metal that moved faster than any horse. Bravely, the 5th and 6th Swordsman engaged first. They were greeted by deafening booms and bright flashes from the beasts. The ground around the Swordsman was then thrown all around and there were shrieks of pain. When the dust settle more than half of the units had been killed. Then the beast moved forward crushing any remaining Swordsman underneath them. Any panicked swings made the them just bounce off uselessly. By the end they had all died. I began to panic that beast had just slaughtered our finest units without taking any damage themselves. The 2nd Catapult opened fire. They rained down massive stones on to the beasts. Most were indirect and bounced off, but one was direct. It found its mark dead center on one of the beasts and crushed it. Th men of 13th cried out it joy, but it was far from over. The nearby city of Oxford and the 9th Longbowman stationed there fired stones and arrows upon the two remaining beasts. I watched as the arrows made no impact and deflected off. The stones however did some damage. On impact they knocked large pieces of metal off the beasts. One beast sustain so much damage that it had part of the front section removed. It revealed that the beasts contained men. My commander ordered the 13th to open fire and we shot arrows down upon the men inside the beast. The beast moved no more. One remained. It was damaged from the stones but, not enough for our arrows to defeat it. That is when the newly trained 1st Longswordsman arrived.They were clad head to toe in armor plating and wielded colossal swords. They charged at the last beast. There was again a boom and bright light and the beast charge forward. No one could see what was happening though the smoke and dust. No one breathed. No one moved. The dust began to settle and sight was that of a Longswordsman pulling an Incan out of the beast an putting his weapon trough the his chest. The beast was laid to ruins. The 13th let out a cheer that shook the very fort we stood on. After we calmed I noticed that only 3 of the original 12 Longswordsman remained alive. I said a small prayer for them and their bravery. I then looked to the smoking beasts I felt a glimmer of hope. We had just taken the worst the the Inca had and survived. Cycle 221: Five units of the metal beasts have just crossed into our boarders. My God have mercy on us all.