CHANGE HISTORY LOG (reverse chronological)


  • "sleep" command for delayed execution/triggers
  • LOTS of great new SP and DM maps!
  • textures are now pre-cached on map load, meaning smoother start of a level, slightly faster startup time
  • name is now is maximum 15 characters, say text max 80
  • monsters animate independently
  • monsters and players now show "jump" pose when airborne, and lagged players are shown differently too
  • water now always renders correctly on top of heighfields
  • fixed crash on coopedit add entity
  • weapons have a very subtle kickback for a better shooting "feel"
  • added a few new trigger types & models (see newent trigger)
  • rewrote model/mapmodel handling. each map can now define its own set of mapmodels to use, see default_map_settings.cfg
  • players/monsters now show death animation, and correctly drop using physics also after death
  • "sensitivityscale" variable for lower sens
  • randomness in lighting is now the same every time, even with dynamic light
  • monsters don't get stuck in the air anymore when shooting/getting hit etc.
  • large set of new SP & DM maps!
  • Completely new soundtrack yet again... this time by Fanatic (Marc A. Pullen).
  • new textures available! look in packages/dg, and at the end of default_map_settings.cfg
  • a large set of new map models courtesy of dcp (see the new entity menus)
  • "particlesize" command
  • "musicvol" fixed
  • new enet that fixes double player bug on high pings
  • servers can be password protected (see -p and password)
  • multiplayer insta/tactics arena modes (see "mode" or the menu).
  • improved mapmodel physics and configurability, so that they can now be used for bridges / room over room and other cool uses. See the new "mapmodel" / "loadmodel" commands, and maps like zippie/aard3/cellar/dragon/matador/kmap2 for examples of the bridge mapmodel.
  • fixed farplane clipping bug
  • demo recording & playback for multiplayer (experimental feature). See "record", "stop", and "demo" commands.
  • "fogcolour" & "scalelights" commands
  • textures now automatically resized to max size supported by driver (mainly for voodoo3 under linux)
  • server now properly resets its state when no players are connected
  • added mp3/ogg playback (for the "music" command)
  • added the official cube soundtrack (by pingpong) to the distribution (plays on all DM maps)
  • new start map (metl3)
  • models now lit subtly according to surrounding light level & colour.
  • singleplayer tweak: slower monsters now move a bit faster, all monsters a bit easier on lower skill levels
  • new enet that fixes server browser crash on linux
  • added "jumppad" entity (look at the map "zippie" for an example).
  • fixed bug that caused rockets to hover around indefinitely

  • [*nix only] fixed serverbrowser hanging

  • fixed server with >8 clients crash bug

  • added full source code to the distribution
  • clients can get list of servers from master server (see updatefrommaster)
  • added hudguns
  • servers update the masterserver automatically when run (see -m)
  • server browser, servers are now pinged and map/player info displayed
  • server allows setting of ip address and description
  • player physics are now run at a minimum of 50fps, allowing correct movement & jumping even at very low fps
  • added random landscape generator (see "perlin")
  • single player game load and save (see "savegame" and "loadgame")
  • improved server correct timer uptime from 49 days to 31 years (on unix).
  • unlimited undo, unlimited size undo/copy/paste (see "undomegs")
  • sounds are now scriptable (see "sound" and "registersound")
  • new trigger types (invisible and end of map)
  • "trigger" command
  • tweaked physics
  • new "fog" variable (for visual effect and performance tweaking)
  • network throtling on lan fixed (eihrul)

  • mode 0 is now normal ffa
  • maps now all load a next map in all modi (user definable)
  • when monsters wake up in sp depends on what angle you approach them and your distance
  • you can control the menus using the mousewheel now
  • all the stronger monsters are now afraid to jump of heights > 4 cubes, unless they are badly hurt
  • "savemap" now also works without arguments
  • new "history" command
  • new "select" command (allows creating complex geometry from script)
  • tiny scripting language (as extension of the console command language).
  • scripted triggers (see "trigger").
  • per map and per package configuration scripts (custom textures, music, scripting etc). see map/savemap.
  • new "music" command
  • entering in edit mode in mode -2 now resets monsters and puts them asleep.
  • "entproperty" command allows finetuning of entity parameters
  • say/echo/saycommand now take any number of arguments
  • fixed multiplayer map reloading issues
  • optimised wqd on maps with lots of sky
  • added "loyalty" and other fun things to monster AI
  • added new monsters
  • greatly increased RL speed (not for monsters)
  • HOM cases of heightfields next to higher platforms solved
  • "lighterror" tuning variable
  • model interpolation
  • disconnect now automatically reconnects to local server
  • command line history (up & down keys)
  • hud now shows player in crosshair
  • coloured light: you can use 0..255 (white light) or a hexadecimal 0xRRGGBB (coloured).
  • cleaned up the hud rendering and put in a higher res font.
  • "overbright lighting" (works on all recent 3d cards, see "lightscale"). Reduce your "gamma" setting.
  • new additive / exponential light model, for use with overbright.
  • savemap now keeps backups of all previous versions of the map (automatic versioning)
  • optimised a lot of code: occlusion culler, lighting, md2 rendering, monster AI & physics.
  • "maxparticles" variable added.
  • added cheap framerate booster, see "skipgeometry"
  • shotgun/chaingun/rifle now also apply a "push" on the target

  • "skill" level now affects monster behaviour in both SP and DMSP (mainly speed of decision making)
  • hitscan monsters now have a "lag" in their aiming (see gameplay).
  • sounds: water enter/exit, monster wake up, door rumble
  • some colour coding for gridlines in editmode: red for tags and green for heightfields
  • SP triggers / opening cubes (see "edittag" & "newent trigger")
  • viewkick
  • some particles have gravity, and they spread better. some improved gfx.
  • new variable "crosshairfx"
  • increased undo/copy/paste buffers to 128^2 cubes max
  • fixed DMSP bugs

  • minimal classic SP functionality
  • console improvements:  
    • paste to console (ctrl-V), on win32
    • console aliases (see "alias")
    • command line completion (press TAB) for variables/commands/aliases
    • variables show their current value with no args, or range with wrong args
    • keyrepeat on in console
  • added server menu that automatically sorts & remembers servers connected to
  • map models (see "newent")
  • added water rendering & physics (see "waterlevel" and "watersubdiv").
  • map voting (usemultiplayer->vote menu)
  • fixed bug that could cause a "double kill" on a lagged player
  • "hidestats" command
  • hardware gamma correction (see "gamma")
  • MOUSE4 & MOUSE5 are now available to bind mousewheel actions to
  • optimisations to occlusion culler
  • enet fixes (eihrul), backwards incompatible
  • map copying via server (eihrul), see "sendmap"/"getmap" 

  • simple DMSP style single player game with monsters! see single player section in gameplay docs for info.
  • shotgun from 1000 to 1400 msec reload (like doom2 double barrelled, fist from 500 to 250 msec.
  • added crosshairsize & maxroll commands
  • damage blends screen red
  • fixed endianness problems on ppc (eihrul)
  • fixed teleport trigger
  • uses completely new network library by eihrul (UDP instead of TCP), much improved pings, server scalability & stability under packet loss etc.
  • a standalone *nix version of the server, that doesn't require sound & video dyn link libs.


[2001_12_20] aka "first public release"
  • added extensive editing tutorial
  • fixed "fullbright"
  • collision on any size corners now works again
  • increased friction tiny bit
  • improved RL physics (more damage close up)
  • cg only makes quad sound once per +attack
  • fixed velocity bug
  • made editmode & gamespeed cheatproof
  • instagib/efficiency work, arena sort of works
  • item spawns are heard at correct distance
  • item pickup is now server side
  • ammo and health respawn speed is now depedant on number of players
  • fixed movement keys (holding both strafe keys at once could cancel movement altogether in some sequence).
  • console history browsing (keypad - and +)
  • word wrap in console output
  • fixed lighting bug on big corners
  • esc now cancels commandline
  • fixed bug in recursive use of "bind"


  • fixed bug that would generate incorrect mips with coopedit
  • added more buffering to server, which makes connections much more stable.
  • name/team changes correctly updated and displayed
  • teamplay now works, teammates shown in blue (temp)
  • newent/delent now work in coop editing
  • editing solid/space, and paste/undo now recalculates the light in the direct environment automatically.
  • fixed bug in savemap optimizer
  • added game modes (see "mode")
  • items reset across map load
  • selection size is shown in edit mode.
  • probably fixed weird "void" bug on some systems
  • slowmotion feature ("gamespeed")
  • dynamic light radius can be specified
  • teleport delay to avoid crash when looped
  • changed way entity coordinates are determined.
  • bounded light radius to 32
  • fixed bug in occlusion code that would incorrectly cull cubes at distant shallow angles.


  • streamlined the opengl code, now all surfaces cull correctly, minimised overdraw on corners
  • greatly optimized heighfield rendering, generates only a third or so of the vertices it did before.
  • improved selection on heightfields
  • savemap does a little "optimizing" on invisible textures to correct sloppy editing, which helps the mipmapper.
  • bumped from version 2 to 3 mapformat: lighting data not saved anymore, but recalced on map load. This allows maps to keep up with lighting algorithm changes, and shrinks map sizes dramatically (aard1.cgz is now a mere 3k).
  • fully dynamic shadows & lights (currently only on rockets).
  • adding/deleting light sources now automatically recalcs, manual "recalc" is deprecated.
  • made light mipmapping less inacurate, at the cost of some polys in some maps.
  • added a "median cut" to the lighting code, which smooths out jaggies on harsh shadows.
  • reengineered lighting code... insanely fast, but slightly different results sometimes.
  • added acurate frustrum culling to the occlusion culling mechanism (for pitch -45..45 cases, and floor/ceil culling). reduces polys yet again 20 to 30% on average.
  • more acurate and stable fps display
  • added "slope", "arch" and "archvertex" commands.
  • players "bleed" when you hit em, give off correct sound at distance
  • fullbright fix0red
  • very cool texture replacement command ("replace")
  • binding mousekeys for editmode works now, "attack" is same a selection, "jump" now works.
  • you can now edit the upper wall of a non-solid cube seperately from lower wall (keypad 7 & 4).
  • bumped from version 1 to 2 mapformat. old maps will be automatically converted on save, but be sure to keep backups just incase.


  • added high precision dynamic occlusion culling (reduces polys 1.5x to 10x, depending on map & viewpoint).
  • entity culling too
  • one more case of HOM fix0red (ceilings & floors)
  • menu improvements (esc goes back, remembers state)
  • "mapmsg" command for setting map title & author
  • player talk shows up in different colour
  • edit selection grid now "hugs" heightfields
  • bigger splash & boost on rockets
  • extra pain & death & self-pain sound
  • hud icons for health/armour/ammo
  • reset pitch upon exit teleport
  • proper corner slant collision detection, not enough sliding yet
  • some sort of heighfield physics
  • skybox 10x further away
  • added extensive menu system (press esc..)
  • shrunk exe size even more (53k)
  • made keymapping external cfg file


  • .cube.gz is now .cgz to stop ppl accidentally unpacking maps
  • 4 HF cubes are now be mipmapped given their 9 verts lie on 1 plane
  • more cases of HF HOM fixed (see e.g. metl01 YA)
  • full support for 45 degree "corners" between floor levels
  • "map" and "savemap" now default to "base" if no package specified
  • no more HOM caused by mipmapping, even at LOD 5 etc
  • saycommand inserts / on request (default key backquote)
  • "exec" command



  • "showmip" command
  • overhaul of the scene rendering code to use bigger mips even up close
  • minlod command instead of locklod
  • player shoots from slightly below eyeheight
  • configurable FOV
  • much more useful weapon switching: skips current weapon
  • improved chaingun gfx
  • no more shooting on respawn
  • empty input in saycommand produces no output
  • smoothed ping display
  • no more weird model stance when player is lagged
  • teleporters
  • ping display
  • fixed: wobble at low FPS
  • physics: step-up more smooth
  • fixed: map load on initial server connect
  • models 1 off ground, correct 1/16 scale
  • player bounding box 4.1 -> 3.9 cubes height

  • fixed: delent


  • fixed: corner lighting
  • backup on map save
  • run dedicated server at hi pri -> MUCH better network perf
  • fullbright, for editing
  • map enlarge command
  • configurable mousebuttons
  • config screen res & full screen
  • mouse sensitivity bind
  • fixed: lighting on/off flickers -> also drawing less quads now!
  • fixed: draw wall textures right-side up
  • show entities in edit mode + type
  • fixed: old entities kept on "newmap"
  • skybox (with few sparkies, thanks to depth buffer trick)
  • show/make selection while dragging
  • when drag-selecting into the void, use player pos for selection
  • disable non draw lagged
  • make bigger steps in lod if fps difference is big
  • playerstart should take current yaw
  • variable light brightness (different start from 255)
  • server msg parsing
  • client & server item pickup
  • item effects on the player


  • coop network editing!
  • corner physics bug
  • bal got stuck under ghost?
  • interpolation doesnt work
  • player height
  • players get stuck in eachother
  • interpolation of client positions / bound speed of updates
  • fps independant velocity?
  • jump anim
  • removal of non-responding players after n-sec
  • messages still cut up server side!!!!
  • slowdown of client time (msec!) -> vtdapi.vxd bug
  • particle overlapping
  • mipmapping off?
  • shot/damage doesn't work with player1
  • editing client keeps getting gravity
  • don't frag editing people
  • correct bounding box hits
  • frag counts
  • lag type display instead of second lag msg
  • client gets kicked on wrong protocol
  • fade particle faster
  • can't frag body
  • make dead/lagged people non-solid
  • special model stance for edit
  • vary minlod when looking down
  • server bandwidth status output
  • pain sound when shooting others
  • allow to start with no sound
  • when dead no edit mode
  • teamname, soundvol
  • play sounds at correct distance
  • remove all possible buffer overflows from code
  • tweak physics to be smoother / bit less aircontrol
  • repeat key for edit mode
  • fist/sg/cg/rl weapons graphics/scoring/physics/selection
  • improved explosion


[older history deleted]